Thursday, December 19, 2013

ICW Day 5, Melbourne to Vero Beach - Poor stumpy dolphin

Thankfully the night before the wind did finally dropped off as we did, it seemed that our new bed time was somewhere between 8.30-9pm as we were so tired and the early mornings were a challenge! Not sure we had slept past 6.30am for weeks which is good if you want to be awake to see the sunrise.

So engine on and back into the ICW channel, this part of the passage is along a wide river where we are stuck in the middle with not much to see, the shore is quite built up but so far a way that you don’t see much.  As the river narrows lots of Condo (apartments to us Brits) appear, these often have docks which are mainly occupied with small to medium sized fishing/sports power boats.  Being the day after Thanksgiving early on there are very few boats, we assume people are sleeping off the previous days celebrations but the number of boats started to increase.  One of these boats was “Proud Mary”, Mary and Barry we met at New Smyrna Beach a few days early, huge 60ft+ powerboat, funny as they pass us all tucked up in the warm, the weather had improved slightly from the full thermals the day before but was still chilly.

The day again was made much more enjoyable by the dolphins and some even joined us for a while, one particularly one was huge and obviously enjoyed getting close to the boats as his fin had been damaged – poor thing but still looked like he was having a lovely time.

Poor stumpy dolphin but didn't stop him swimming along with us
As we approached Vero beach it was still early but bigger/quicker boats than us are starting to build up behind us and we are lucky to call in just before them and get ourselves a buoy.

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